Winter Wonderland Warriors Wrap Up

The end already?  Oh my goodness!

Life's Journey with a Smile

My 10 goals for the challenge were:

1.  Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).

I didn’t do this.  I actually gained weight.  I’m disappointed.

2.  Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).

I signed up for eHarmony and went on two dates with one guy, I have one planned for tomorrow and started talking to a third guy.  I also got matched with a lot of guys that are not for me and not in my area.  One man I went to high school with (awkward) and the big brother of someone I went to college with (also kinda awkward).  It had been on my mind, so I’m glad I did it and it expanded my horizons.

3.  Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.

I did this over one rainy weekend and it was fun.  It felt like a very big accomplishment and I’m really proud of this one!

4.  Make a real meal at least once a week.

This goal really helped me focus on pre-planning and eating good things, it’s a great habit I started!

5.  Adopt a pet.

I didn’t do this although I was close a few times, but I feel like I’m still not in the right spot for it and although I know there’s never a perfect time for it, I’m still going to wait for a better time.

6.  Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.

I got a bike a few weeks ago and am working on getting comfortable on it by riding mostly for fun and exercise right now.  I hope to get a basket and a lock next month to make commuting and errand running doable.

7.  Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.

I wrote my guest post early in the year about a topic I just love to write about – dating and men and dating men!

8.  Roll over my 401(k)s.

Success!  Thank goodness!  I’ve had them hanging over my head since April 2008 and June 2009 and am so glad I made this a goal, for some reason it gave me the extra push to actually do it!

9.  Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).

I did this pretty quickly and then had a very dry spell in terms of friends, but it’s been getting better again lately with old and new friends.

10.  Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

I volunteered times two since the beginning of the year and discovered I really like it and have a few more opportunities lined up.

I am happy with my 80%.  Did I have a productive winter?  At times it felt like no, not really, but looking back at this list and knowing there are more things I accomplished and am proud of too, I guess I’d have to say yes. 

Thanks Amy for hosting a great challenge and being our always-optimistic leader for the last three months despite going through some heavy personal stuff.  I’m so excited for the Spring Fever Challenge!


Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I bought a bike and crossed off that goal! I’m still a little timid on it, so I’m not at the “decrease gas useage” stage yet, but it’s definitely a good time to start that!

I actually cooked a lot this week, including a veggie burger with roasted reds and brinner and recreating a BBQ chopped salad.

I controlled my eating a lot better this week than I have in a long time.  I wasn’t snacking as much.  I ate up all the good for me groceries I stocked last week and had veggies at every meal (well, lunch and dinner) and fruit as snacks.  I got a little cranky and started craving chocolate, but the Reese’s I bought in a moment of weakness is still sitting in my pantry.  Plus I was so excited to go out and ride my new bike, I did a few two-a-day workouts.  I think diversifying my workouts (and the more mindful eating) is really going to help me in my weight loss goal.

2. With one week left, what is your plan?

Keep up the status quo.  I feel accomplished in the challenge so far, but now see that adopt a pet isn’t going to happen for me right now, so I’m going to make my meal for the week and, as I said, focus on exercise and eating well, to make progress, even though my 5 pounds probably isn’t going to work either.

3. What was the highlight of your week?

Getting and riding my bike.  It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time and being on it made me feel like a kiddo again!  Oh, and yesterday, I went with my mom to see Maya Angelou talk and it was incredible.  If there’s a tough old lady who’s going to make you stand up and own your life, it’s her!  And she’s funny too!

4. Did you have a down point? If so, how did you push past it?

Going to my friend’s mom’s funeral on Saturday was really tough.  Beyond the sadness of the occasion, there was also the reminder of how short life is and feeling like I haven’t done much and being frozen thinking I can’t and that my life as I want it hasn’t even started yet. 

But, it was also a reminder of how short life is.  Yes, I know, I already said that, but now I mean it in the opposite way.  I was reminded that I can be frozen with the overwhelmingness of it all or I can go after what I want, be who I want to be and at the end of it all, whether it’s sooner or later, have people say wonderful things about me like they did about my friend’s mom, who died way too young but lived the entire width of her life.

5. Fun Question of the Week: What’s your favourite television show from the past? Presently?

Over the past few weeks I have become obsessed with Being Erica, which I think counts as both past and present because I love it now, but I’m catching up on old episodes.  You know you have a problem when Hulu reminds you that you’ve been watching for three hours and asks if maybe you want to take a break!  All time, I’d say I was really into LOST and currently watch  How I Met Your Mother almost daily.

Positive picture of the week:

I made this based on a quote from Being Erica (obsessed)!


Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

Meal of the week:  burritos! 

My mileage is getting back up to where I want it to be and my work outs finally feel like part of my pattern again and on Sunday I went grocery shopping and loaded up on produce and other good things. 

 2.  There are two weeks left in this challenge – what goals are you making priority?

I’ve kind of given up on the weight loss goal.  I’m at a loss there.  My last two goals (bike and pet) are still looming over my head and I’m evaluating them this week and figure out if they are priorities to me still.

3.  Many people are on or heading into Spring Break right now, do you find it easier or harder to stay on track when your routine disappears?

That definitely depends on where I am with my workouts.  When I’m just working out to work out and my schedule gets crazy, it’s difficult to keep up, but when I have a specific training plan and a purpose in mind, it’s a lot easier to get my sessions in.

4.  Tell us something positive about this challenge. Could be something that happened to you, you did, you realized…etc.

I realized in this challenge that if  want to do something, I just have to do it.  It’s something I’ve been learning for a while, but really saw during the challenge.  I wanted to climb the seven summits, but if I didn’t make it a goal and go out and do it, it wasn’t just going to happen on its own!  Same thing with my 401(k).  Wanting to do it and constantly putting it on my to-do lists didn’t make it happen.  Mapping out and taking the steps did.  I really learned the power of “don’t talk about it, be about it.”

5.  Fun Question of the Week: The clocks sprung forward this weekend, does the time change mess you up or do you just go on like nothing happened?

Haha, another question that allows me to wave the freak flag!  Arizona does not believe in/participate in daylight savings time. 

I just tried to read an article about why and it seems there are many reasons, but since I grew up here, I’m just used to it.  Our spring and summer nights still seem long.  The sun comes up pretty early during the longest days so it means I have to get up really early to beat it and get in an outside work out, but it goes down earlier (than it would if we switched), which gives us a little reprieve from the sunlight (still HOT though).  Plus, I happily enjoyed a full 48-hour weekend!

Positive Picture:

As I learned…


Spring Fever Challenge!

I’ve really enjoyed WWW, so when Amy announced she was hosting another goal-getter challenge for the Spring, of course I was on board!  The structure is a little different this time around – love the “do something every week that makes you feel good about yourself” rule – so check it out here and sign up to play!  It starts right after the WWW ends – April 4!


Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I felt like a bit of a slacker this week, but did complete one goal – volunteer!  On Friday, I handed out race bibs and packets for a charity race the next day.  I love charity races and want to sign up for all of them, but I’m glad I decided to just volunteer at this one because I’m not in race shape right now.  It was great to still be involved though!  I have a few more races I’m planning on helping at throughout the year.

I ate out a ridiculous number of times this week (yay dating), but on Thursday, post-dentist, I made a comforting mac and cheese and on Friday, post-race, I made a quesadilla.  Not healthy meals by any means, but again, they were cooked with a purpose v. grazing without a plan.

 2.  New month! How are you feeling with the end of the challenge coming up soon?


3.  What would you change differently about this challenge for the Spring Fever Challenge beginning soon? Give me ideas here, goals (open number, specific number, less, more?), picture stays?, day of the week? another element? Questions stay or go? What type of questions would you like to be asked?

I liked the structure of WWW.  I think ten goals in three months is a good amount.  The picture has not been my favorite thing – sometimes I have one ready to go, sometimes I have to search, which makes it less meaningful.  I like the questions, especially the fun, random ones!

4.  What have you learned about yourself during this challenge (or past few months)?

I’ve learned that my focus comes and goes!

5.  Fun Question of the Week: Do you enter contests? Have you ever won one?

I love contests!  My goal for this year is to win a blog giveaway at some point!  I was the 10th caller and won tickets to a big country concert when I was in high school.  I can’t think of anything else I’ve won though!

Positive Picture:


I like the idea of every day being the best day!


Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I made two real dinners last week – an indulgent brie and apple grilled cheese on Thursday (after a cancelled date, boo) and a baked potato with broccoli (the dinner of my vegetarian youth) on Friday (after a cancelled GNO, boo).

I cancelled Match and signed up for eHarmony.  Like paid for it and everything and now I can see pictures and communicate and find the love of my life.  Or practice my flirting and get free dinners.

I started back in with a work out plan and feel like I’m making better food choices (okay, maybe not the grilled brie) and am slowly seeing the numbers on the scale go down.

2. Today’s the last day of the month – how do you feel you’ve done in February?

I got two goals – hiking and eHarmony – crossed off and I feel good!  I also made a lot of headway on a third and am so almost there.

3. What is your go-to favourite meal to cook? Share the recipe if possible!

This is embarrassing!  My favorite is breakfast burritos.  I scramble two eggs, top with cheddar and Cholula (not just any hot sauce, must be Cholula!) and roll up in a tortilla.  Lately I’ve been putting in spinach and/or turkey bacon as well.  It’s been my go-to since college.  They’re amazing anytime of the day!

4. Share a quote or saying that is inspiring you today.

“People don’t realize this, but loneliness is underrated.” – 500 Days of Summer

5. Fun Question of the Week: What’s your make-up routine? Wear any? Lots? Do you have a must-have?

I’ve been thinking I need to shake it up because I pretty much wear the same thing regardless of occasion and I’d like an evening “face.”  But for now, I MUST have my under-eye concealer because I look dead tired without it.  I also put on blush, eyeliner and mascara.  Sometimes I use an all-over tinted moisturizer and neutral shadow.  But, yeah I’m much more of a “wear makeup do it looks like you’re not wearing any” type, but need a little something extra.  I’m looking forward to reading everyone else’s routines for ideas!

Positive Picture:



Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I hiked the seven peaks this weekend!  I started Thursday and finished up today!  I’m so glad I stuck with it and truly feel accomplished.

I signed up for  I’m testing the waters and doing their three-day trial.  I don’t know if it’s much different from the free sites I’ve been on, so I might cancel and go eHarmony.  Until the end of the month, they are offering their three-month subscription for $20 a month.  I love me a discount.

I finally talked to my boss about how to get over the hurdle that’s tripping me up with my 401(k)s and I got the rollover check from one of old companies.

For my home-cooked meal, I made a pasta with some veggies I had that needed to be used. 

2.  Pretty much everywhere this past week experienced some mild weather – did this change have any effect on you?

I had already planned to do my hiking this weekend (because it was long, so I got an extra day), but I got one day in before our spring-like weather vanished.  The temps dropped 20 degrees and it rained for most of the weekend!  I might have rescheduled, but I really wanted to cross this one off this week.  I managed to get out when it wasn’t actually raining, but still overcast and cool, which was kinda nice!

3.  Walk us through your ideal workout.

Eek, I have too many to pick from.  I’d rank them like this:

1.  A long, body-is-working-with-me-not-against-me run
2.  A spin class with a young, hip teacher who plays music that keeps me from checking the clock every five minutes
3.  A two-hour hike that barely feels like working out because I’m out in the sunshine and enjoying the views, but that I feel the next day (yeah, this is a new one!)
4.  Warm up on the elliptical, 40 minutes with weights and sexy men who are more concerned with checking themselves out, but still and finish with a cardio sesh on Stairmaster + actually remembering to roll and stretch

I guess it’s safe to say my ideal workout is one where I don’t pay attention to the fact that I’m working out!

4.  What happened in the last week that you have to brag about?

Um, I hiked seven mountains in five days! 

AND, I finally ended things with a guy who was mostly just parked in my boyfriend spot, but that I knew needed to be towed.  Poor Rebel.  But, I’m a people-pleaser and hate confrontation and being the breakupper, so it was a big step in terms of taking care of #1 aka, doing what’s best for ME.

5.  Fun Question of the Week: Spring Fever has hit the stores… what’s your favourite thing to shop for in the Spring?

Dresses!  I live in dresses in the spring, summer and fall (and sneak them in when I can in winter), so I love stocking up on cheap, cute sundresses and t-shirt dresses.  I went into Target the other day and was thrilled to see they are starting to get their dresses out.  My budget for this month wasn’t having any of it, so sadly, I had to leave empty handed, but I reminded myself that next month they’ll probably have even more options!

Positive picture:  My favorite pic I took this weekend, from the top of Camelback Mountain!



Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I though seriously about joining a dating site.  Haha.  I’m having a really hard time biting the bullet on this one.  Oh yeah, and I had a great third date/first kiss last night.

I tried a new recipe last week.  It was a fail, but I enjoyed the experience of trying and again, it was a pre-planned meal.

I found the rescue I’m going to get a cat from!  I just need to ready my house and pick a cute little guy now.

2.  What goal are you doing best on?

Way to call me out, Amy!  Haha.  This question makes me realize I could be giving more effort on all of my goals.  A lot of the ones I have left are just one-and-done goals that could be crossed off relatively easily.  The one I’d say is taking the most of my effort is sadly cooking a meal once a week.  I really like that I’m incorporating this, but it’s silly that planning, grocery shopping and eating like an adult is something I have to put concerted effort into!  Either way, I’m doing well on it because it’s a weekly commitment and I’m doing well with it.

3.  What goal do you have to push yourself a little more to complete? What is your plan to do so?

ALL of them! Losing weight probably because a lot of them are just things to do, but to lose weight requires constant thought and effort.  My plan is to get back to exercising (after a week off because of an injury) and stick with portion control and fresh foods.

4.  We’ve talked about who pushes us to do better with our goals – is there anyone/thing that hinders you?

I’ve mentioned I tend to push myself, but I also tend to hold myself back.  With my weight loss goal, I find it hard to push myself because it’s very easy to say that it’s not necessary.

I also hinder myself because I’m used to being on a shoestring budget and even though I have the money to spend on the costly things – pet, bike, dating site – it’s hard for me to break from my save, save, save mode.

5.  Fun Question of the Week: Happy Valentine’s Day! Do you have any special plans for the day? It’s okay if you think it’s a Hallmark holiday that you wish to boycott!

My response to “Happy Valentine’s Day” is “Happy Monday.”  I’m not mad at that holiday, but I’m not really celebrating either.  My plan was to do a spa night and read magazines and celebrate me, but at the last minute Rebel got the night off work and we’re planning to hang out, but not do anything too Valentinesy.  We’ll probably end up going to a wine bar and then making dinner and watching a movie.  Might be an awkward situation based on the whole Facebook boyfriend thing, but we seem to have gotten past that. 

Postive Picture:


It’s resort crashing season in the beautiful valley of the sun and I hit up two this weekend.  Lots of fun soaking in the beauty and serenity of these world class resorts that surround me!



Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I went out to dinner with a good friend who moved away over the summer, but was back in town and caught up with her and her little guy, successfully wrapping up my six friends things goal.

I completed a few more steps in the 401(k) process, pretty much all of them, including requesting the funds be rolled into my new accounts.  And then I ran into another wall.  Hope to work it out within the next week.

I focused on eating better and limiting my portions and started a new training plan and lost some weight (and quite possibly reversed it during the Super Bowl).  More importantly, I’m feeling more in control and seeing that I’m more slender and feel more comfortable in my clothes.

I’ve been eating out of my pantry/freezer, so the meal was a little tricky this week and wasn’t totally what I had in mind with the goal, but I made a veggie burger and had it with roasted potatoes left over from my dinner out.  I guess it kind of is what I had in mind because I planned it ahead of time and ate it like a real dinner instead of just snacking all night because I didn’t know what to make.

2.  New month! Fresh starts! How are you feeling in February?

I’m feeling very focused, although I wavered a bit.  My January was so all about my race, once it was over, I was kinda at a loss, but I’m glad I have WWW to keep me focused on other goals and I feel like I’m going to rock out a handful of my goals this month!

3.  Are you competitive? Do you find that seeing how well {or not so well} others do pushes you?

I am pretty competitive.  During my race, I was motivated by challenging myself to punch it until I passed a person or group.

4.  What is your favourite outdoor winter activity?

In Arizona, I love anything outdoors in the winter because it’s so beautiful, but if we’re thinking authentic winter here, I do enjoy heading up north about two hours to sled when it snows and then rush back in the car, change into thick and dry socks, go for hot chocolate and drive back home to where there’s no crazy white stuff on the ground.

5.  Fun Question of the Week: What would be your ideal way to spend a Saturday night?

I’ve been trying to throw together a game night for a while now.  I love hosting and think staying at home with a close group of friends, drinking some wine and playing board games is a great night.  If there were a man in my life worthy a Saturday night, I would want to have a slow progressive dinner.  Drinks at a bar, shared appetizers at a restaurant, a bottle of wine at a lounge and a stop for a sweet treat to enjoy in bed.  Someday!

Positive picture:



Mini-update on my half:  Since I starting talking about it here, I wanted to include the results here as well.  I ran my first half-marathon on Saturday.  I finished officially at 2:09:06 (my first goal was 2:34 and my second was 2:10) and loved the experience!  Now, on to WWW!

Life's Journey with a SmileMy 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I found out I actually have an account at eHarmony and went in and updated some of my profile (made during one of those free communication weekends way back in 2009, reminding me just how long I’ve been relationship-challenged).  I also looked into the cost of it so I can budget it into February.  Yeah, it’s expensive.  I’m so hesitant to spend money AND my online adventures have not been great (but I know it’s because of the sites I’m on, thus the upgrade), so I confused myself over if I actually want to do it.  I think I’d probably pay for three months but thinking I’m going to find someone online in three months conflicts with my desire to take on my great dating challenge of 2011!

After two nights of heavy dinners out (man, dating is tough), I needed something light and made a modified version of The Runner’s Kitchen’s Creamy Winter Veggie Pasta.  The (tease alert) simple sauce made with just goat cheese and starchy water was perfect, I got my veggies in AND it was carbolicious for a race week dinner.

I opened an actual rollover account (all these rules I didn’t know!) and found my funds from my old retirement plans and got the forms that will allow me to transfer them.  I’m inching closer and closer on this one.

2.  January is coming to an end! How do you think you did in the month of January? Review time!

Well, I kinda failed at the January part of my first goal.  Now it’s my goal to lose it by the end of the challenge.  Five little pounds suck!  I did well at keeping up with my weekly dinner goal and I’m beyond on-track for my time with friends goal.  With the bits and pieces I’ve done of the others, I’d say I’m about one-third of the way there, but I’d like to have some more completed. 

3.  Do you feel like your motivation is tapering off now that a month has passed, or are you just as motivated as the beginning of the challenge?

I think my motivated tapered a bit, but I like that the end of the month is a check point that will get my butt back in gear!

4.  Who/what inspires you to keep going?

I usually inspire myself, as I’ve said, I don’t like letting myself down.  I’m also big on rewards.  I’ve been wanting a bike for a while, so when I set out to do my half, I set my goal time and told myself the bike was mine if I hit it.  Thinking about that helped me keep up my pace throughout the race and I hit not only my first goal, but by second goal as well!  Some of my WWW goals are rewards in themselves, but perhaps I will set up rewards for the ones that have proven to be a bit more of a struggle.  A massage after completing seven hikes in seven days, a weekly guilty pleasure night-in for jumping into the serious online dating world, a shopping splurge for being responsible and rolling over my 401(k) funds!

5.  Fun Question of the Week:  What is the first thing you think of/do in the morning?

Lately it’s been talking myself out of an A.M. workout!  Oops!  Usually I rationalize that I can do it after work (and I do, but I just really prefer to do it in the morning).  On days when I can’t get out of it or actually have the motivation and enough sleep to get to the gym, the first thing I do when my alarm goes off at 4:30 is lace up and head out the door!  

When I’m feeling a little lazier, I’ve already outed myself as a first-thing Facebook checker and so, yeah, that’s what I do before hitting the shower and getting ready for work.  On these days, I reset my alarm to 6, which gives me just 20 minutes to be out the door!

On weekends, I usually try to force myself to sleep longer (because waking up by 6 during the week means waking up by 7 without an alarm on the weekends, ugh!) and then get up and run or, if it’s going to be a long run, eat breakfast, wait for it to settle and head out.

Positive Picture:

Kind of a weird selection this week, I know.  The race on Saturday was to benefit a kids’ cancer charity and they had pictures of kids fighting cancer along the route.  It was very inspirational and kept me going.  If these little guys can take on this totally unfair hand that’s been dealt to them, I can surely get over whatever excuses I might be using and achieve my goals!  {from}


Four weeks in? Wow!

Life's Journey with a Smile

My 10 goals are:

  1. Lose 5 pounds in January and maintain (starting is 122.6).
  2. Sign up for a new dating site in February (assuming Mr. Amazing doesn’t waltz in before that).
  3. Climb the seven summits of Phoenix in seven days.
  4. Make a real meal at least once a week.
  5. Adopt a pet.
  6. Get a bike and decrease my gas usage.
  7. Write my guest post for The Chick Lit Bee.
  8. Roll over my 401(k)s.
  9. Do six things with friends (happy hours, game nights, etc.).
  10. Find and participate in a volunteer opportunity.

This week’s questions:

1.  What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

I banished my scale. Weighing myself every day, multiple times a day, was not working for me.  I had planned a weigh in today, but I am actually going to wait it out until the end of the month.  When I’m not so focused on what the chocolate I ate did to my weight and why my weight didn’t go down after a “good” day, I think my weight will find its natural balance, which is closer to 117, again.

I made turkey mini-loaves with roasted red potatoes and zucchini and I went ice skating with a group of friends for Kanga’s birthday.

2.  How are you feeling about the goals you set for yourself? Overwhelmed? Too easy? Just right?

I’m a good mix of overwhelmed and thinking they’re too easy, so I guess just about right. It’s funny how things change though because, similar to some of my big goals for 2011, I’m already wondering if they’re things I really want and my attention has been stolen by some other shiny thing.

3.  Do you prefer to exercise inside or outside?

I go very back and forth on this.  I used to be outside only, but I’ve learned to love the gym in the past few months.  There are days I feel like I can rock it out on the treadmill and then days when I know I’ll be faster outside. Depends on my mood and the weather I suppose.  There are about seven months out of the year here where if I don’t get out and run before work (or about 8:00 a.m. on the weekends), it’s not happening because it just gets too hot, so my newfound love for the gym will serve me well come April.

4.  Are you a self-starter or do you need a little push?

I’m a self-starter.  The thought of just letting myself down by not going after what I want is enough to keep me going. 

5.  Fun Question of the Week: Why did you decide to start a blog?

I was so far out of the blog community until a college friend told me her friend blogged anonymously and I thought, hey that’s really cool and I started following her and jumped to other blogs and then eventually jumped in with my own.  I thought it was a really cool way to record my life and thoughts.  I also really like having it as an outlet for my writing and that writing regularly has helped me find my voice.

Positive picture for the week:
